Well here we are again on a Wednesday and Mother Nature has other plans for me. I was supposed to go on my almost world famous trip to Nowhere and Everywhere, but it is snowing which has made the roads a little too slippery for me to travel with a van full of resort guests. Last Wednesday it was due to ice, but today it was due to snow. Since I started this trip in May we have never had to cancel the trip due to weather.
We have really had a lot of snow this winter, so I am trying to find something unique about each storm. On this past Monday night I went to bed with the forecast of some light snow accumalating 1-3 inches. As has become my new ritual whenever snow is forecast I woke up extra early to find out about road condidtion and school delays. Well much to my surprise there was about 7 inches of snow in my driveway. So after digging out from the 3 foot high snow bank it was off to work. The highways were in surprisingly rough shape but I made it to work late but safe.
Fast forward to today and once again in Lincoln we had snow. It was raining all the way up from my home in Tilton until I reached Exit 30. That was the snow line. Within a 1/2 mile the roads were quickly snow covered. The snow was sticking to every surface of the trees making it a beautiful winter wonderland. I found out that the further North you went to more snow had fallen thus making the roads unsafe for my trip. I am sure that Franconia Notch will look absolutely gorgeous later on today.
Since I have some new free time today I will catch up on getting ready for the impending Vacation Week and find some fun adventures for people to do.